A mother’s love

The love of a mother is a wondrous gift.  It is strong.  It is peaceful.  It is powerful and necessary.

The gift of love is the most cherished gift I’ve ever received.  My mother gave this gift to me as well as to my four sisters.  I received another form of this gift when my own babies left my womb and I too became a mother.  I was attached, physically and emotionally and I knew this was a gift that would keep on giving.  The fact that it would also keep on taking came later!

**Re-gifting is not a problem with the gift of love.  The more you do it, the better it is.**

The strength and might of a mother’s love is felt by every mother.  We’re exhausted from birth to graduation and beyond.  We often feel powerless and weak.  But the impact we have on our children is everything but powerless.  It is endless, important and yes, extrememly powerful.  I’ve seen this power in the way my children speak to each other and in how they handle situations.  They’ve learned some good things from me and when I observe those traits, I find myself swelling with pride.  Then there are those “other” traits they’ve learned from me-the ones that make me shrink with guilt.  I try to use my “powers” of influence for good more than not.   I will keep trying.

Peace.  My favorite part of mothering.  Living with children is not always peaceful.  Sometimes you really have to look for peace in order to find it, but if you begin to look for it, often you’ll find that it was always there…it just depends on your definition of the word, peace.  Sometimes I re-write the dictionary to find what I’m looking for 🙂

Love is a necessity.  Newborns must be swaddled, touched and spoken to in soft voices in order to thrive, even to survive.  That necessity doesn’t stop.  Whether your children know it or not, they need those smooches and “embarrassing” hugs to make it in this world.

We’re celebrating all mothers today at Paulus Farm.  As a special tribute, we’d love to have you post your own “mom” stories here for everyone to read.  They can be funny, sad, heartfelt, joyous…whatever you’d like to say about yourself, your children or any other mothers in your life.  Just please be kind 🙂

Also, since we have many farmyard mamas here at the farm…

It would be great to see some “animal mother” stories here too.  Those animal mamas sure could use some inspiration just like the rest of us!

Happy Mother’s day from all of us at Paulus Farm Market-mothers, grandmas and aunties…and all of our furry animal mamas too.

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4 Responses to A mother’s love

  1. Cheri Sheaffer says:

    Thank you baby sister. Your words are true and beautiful.. looking at myself .. face to face, be it through tears or laughfter; I thank God for the blessing of motherhood for to me it is the grandest part of who i am.

  2. Mike Opteris says:

    Let’s hear it for Mothers! They are the most powerful force in the created universe. How often did I hear at the farm, “be careful of that sow when she’s with her piglets”, or watch the tenderness of mama cat as she cared for her kittens among the bales of hay. My own mother too, as she put up with headstrong offspring (genetically passed on!) for over 25 years until we were all grown up and capable of facing the world on our own. Dad, you did wonders, but we wouldn’t be here and who we are without Mom!

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